(UE Regulations 2016/679)

Matergroup S.r.l., as the data controller, informs you that the data you provide or otherwise acquired, are treated according to UE Regulations 2016/679, as follows:


The purposes for which your data will be used are intended to allow the execution of commercial and contractual relationships with our company and with the economic and professional figures connected to it, for the fulfillment of the related legal obligations, for fiscal or accounting nature. The collection and processing of data will be based on principles of correctness, lawfulness and transparency as well as the protection of your privacy and your rights.


The processing of your data will take place using automated and non-automated methods and on paper and electronic media, in compliance with the rules of confidentiality and security provided by law.

Mandatory or optional nature of data

The knowledge of your data, although not mandatory, is essential for the conduct of the activities in place with our company.

Consequences of failure to provide personal data

Failure to provide the data, if not mandatory, will be assessed individually by the data controller and will imply the consequent instructions, in relation to the amount of data requested related to the management needs of the existing relationship.

Subjects or categories to which data can be communicated or who can learn about them as managers or appointed for the treatment

Your data will be processed by employees, professionals or organizations that perform specific services or activities complementary to ours, or the correct fulfillment of existing relationships or in performance of contractual and legal obligations.

Data environment and spread

The data may be communicated / disseminated, in the national territory and on the territory of the EU and Extra UE, to third parties as far as they are specifically responsible, in execution of contractual and legal obligations.

Retention period

The data are kept, to comply with the purposes and for the time prescribed by civil and tax laws.

Cookie Policy

During web browsing information may be collected to allow user identification. To learn more and for detailed information, you can consult the Cookie Policy at Through specific links on the site, it is possible to visit different internet pages; the links to the different web portals do not come under the control of the Data Controller and in particular these do not have the control of the relative cookies uploaded.

Rights of the interested party

The interested party has the right to obtain confirmation that a treatment is in progress and, in this case, to obtain access to data (Article 15), correction (Article 16), deletion (Article 17 ), the limitation of processing (Article 18), to oppose treatment at any time (Article 21), to be subjected to a decision based solely on automated processing, which produces legal effects (art.22) and to revoke the consent (if expressed). The interested party has the right, in the event that personal data are processed by automated means and have been provided on the basis of their consent or if the processing is necessary for the execution of a contract, to receive in a structured format, in common use the personal data provided is readable by automatic device and has the right to transmit such data to another Data Controller without impediments by the Data Controller to whom it has supplied them. This right does not apply if the treatment is based on a legal basis other than consent or contract (Article 20).

The interested party has the right to complain to the supervisory authority.

Requests can be sent by e-mail to the following address:

en_GBEnglish (UK)